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User interface

A uniform user interface is essential to scalable deployment of BIDS Applications. This section describes the common interface components that may be relied upon by users or platforms running these applications (callers). Command-line interfaces map between positional or flag arguments provided through an interactive shell program (for example Bash) to a program and program behavior. However, tools written in different languages or following different conventions may represent and parse these arguments distinctly. For the purposes of automated execution of diverse tools, a more useful interface is a mapping of parameter identifiers to their values, abstracting the way they are represented on the command-line (CLI). Boutiques is a standard developed for this mapping. Boutiques provides a JSON schema and related tools to describe, validate, execute and share command-line tools, among other utilities. The Boutiques toolkit, named bosh, will be referred to when discussing examples throughout this specification.

Instead of requiring specific positional arguments and flags which assign common names to expected options (for example "subject-label") in the command-line interfaces themselves, BIDS Applications should provide a Boutiques descriptor — a standardized JSON file that describes the command line behavior and operation of a tool — that map the tool-specific common arguments to these common names, without requiring rewriting of the command-line tools. In the sections below, the identifiers assigned in the Boutiques descriptor are described in the "Argument ID" column of relevant tables.

The Boutiques descriptor for a program SHOULD be retrievable by calling the application with the --bids-exec-spec flag and no other arguments.

Interface descriptor

A human-readable schema for a Boutiques descriptor may be found at This section attempts to summarize the salient points of that document, but the Boutiques schema is authoritative and complete. In addition to the Boutiques fields (see Tables 1–4, 6), BIDS conformant descriptors MUST include a custom object (see Table 2) containing the BIDSApplicationVersion key and associated value which indicates the version of the BIDS application specification to which they conform, together with some additional optional fields. Descriptors SHOULD be simply named as name.json.

List of relevant base Boutiques properties and their role within BIDS Applications

Field name Requirement Level Data type Description
command-line REQUIRED String A template string including the command and references to the value-keys of all possible inputs. The ordering imposed here may be significant, in particular for non-optional arguments.
custom REQUIRED Object Object which can contain extensible metadata. This has a single required element, as described in Table 2.
inputs REQUIRED List List of objects which contain input parameter definitions. Described in Table 3.
name REQUIRED String The name of the BIDS Application.
output-files REQUIRED List List of objects which contain output parameter definitions. Described in Table 6.
schema-version REQUIRED String Boutiques schema version. Must be "≥0. 5". This is not to be confused with the BIDS Application schema and associated version.
tool-version REQUIRED String Version of the BIDS Application.
description RECOMMENDED String A plain-text description of the BIDS Application.
descriptor-url RECOMMENDED String Link to the descriptor itself. Likely a GitHub repo alongside the described tool, for example.
doi RECOMMENDED String DOI of the descriptor returned once published via Boutiques. (Note: This is not the DOI of the tool itself. )
suggested-resources RECOMMENDED Object Contains an execution walltime-estimate in seconds, memory usage in MB, and CPU/GPU usage in number of core threads/devices.
container-image OPTIONAL Object The name and location of a container image, such as those in Docker or Singularity formats, containing the configured application.
error-codes OPTIONAL List List of objects that contain error code information. The reserved error conditions are described in Table 7.
groups OPTIONAL List List of objects that contain relational information among input parameters as described in Table 4. This is not to be confused with any other BIDS-relevant definition of groups.

List of custom object properties and roles within the BIDS Application specification

The custom object has the following defined fields for use in the context of BIDS Applications.

Field name Requirement Level Data type Description
BIDSAppSpecVersion REQUIRED String The version of the BIDS application specification with which the application complies.
OutputDataSpecification OPTIONAL List If output data conforms to a standard definition (for example NIDM-1. 1. 0), these data standards may be included as a list of strings.
<unspecified> OPTIONAL Any Any key referring to arbitrary metadata that may be relevant or of interest to the application and its users.