Source code for bids.config

''' Utilities for manipulating package-level settings. '''

import json
from pathlib import Path
import os
import warnings

from .utils import listify

__all__ = ['set_option', 'set_options', 'get_option']

_config_name = 'pybids_config.json'

conf_path = str(Path(__file__).absolute().parent.joinpath('layout', 'config', '{}.json'))
_default_settings = {
    'config_paths': {
        name: conf_path.format(name) for name in ['bids', 'derivatives']},
    # XXX 0.16: Remove
    'extension_initial_dot': True,

[docs] def set_option(key, value): """ Set a package-wide option. Args: key (str): The name of the option to set. value (object): The new value of the option. """ if key not in _settings: raise ValueError("Invalid pybids setting: '%s'" % key) # XXX 0.16: Remove elif key == "extension_initial_dot": if value is not True: raise ValueError(f"Cannot set {key!r} to {value!r} as of pybids 0.14. " "This setting is always True, and will be removed " "entirely in 0.16.") warnings.warn("Setting 'extension_initial_dot' will be removed in pybids 0.16.", FutureWarning) _settings[key] = value
[docs] def set_options(**kwargs): """ Set multiple package-wide options. Args: kwargs: Keyword arguments to pass onto set_option(). """ for k, v in kwargs.items(): set_option(k, v)
[docs] def get_option(key): """ Retrieve the current value of a package-wide option. Args: key (str): The name of the option to retrieve. """ if key not in _settings: raise ValueError("Invalid pybids setting: '%s'" % key) return _settings[key]
[docs] def from_file(filenames, error_on_missing=True): """ Load package-wide settings from specified file(s). Args: filenames (str, list): Filename or list of filenames containing JSON dictionary of settings. error_on_missing (bool): If True, raises an error if a file doesn't exist. """ filenames = listify(filenames) for f in filenames: if Path(f).exists(): settings = json.loads(Path(f).read_text(encoding='utf-8')) _settings.update(settings) elif error_on_missing: raise ValueError("Config file '%s' does not exist." % f)
[docs] def reset_options(update_from_file=False): """ Reset all options to the package defaults. Args: update_from_file (bool): If True, re-applies any config files found in standard locations. """ global _settings _settings = _default_settings.copy() if update_from_file: _update_from_standard_locations()
def _update_from_standard_locations(): """ Check standard locations for config files and update settings if found. Order is user's home dir, environment variable ($PYBIDS_CONFIG), and then current directory--with later files taking precedence over earlier ones. """ locs = [ Path.home() / _config_name, Path('.') / _config_name ] if 'PYBIDS_CONFIG' in os.environ: locs.insert(1, os.environ['PYBIDS_CONFIG']) from_file(locs, False) _settings = {} reset_options(True)