"""BIDSLayout class."""
import re
from collections import defaultdict
from functools import partial, lru_cache
from itertools import chain
import json
import copy
import enum
import difflib
from pathlib import Path
import warnings
from typing import Hashable
import sqlalchemy as sa
from sqlalchemy.orm import aliased
from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import cast
from bids_validator import BIDSValidator
from ..utils import listify, natural_sort
from ..external import inflect
from ..exceptions import (
from .validation import (validate_root, validate_derivative_path,
from .writing import build_path, write_to_file
from .models import (Config, BIDSFile, DerivativeDatasets, Entity, Tag)
from .index import BIDSLayoutIndexer
from .db import ConnectionManager
from .utils import (BIDSMetadata, parse_file_entities)
__all__ = ['BIDSLayout']
class BIDSLayout:
"""Layout class representing an entire BIDS dataset.
root : str
The root directory of the BIDS dataset.
validate : bool, optional
If True, all files are checked for BIDS compliance when first indexed,
and non-compliant files are ignored. This provides a convenient way to
restrict file indexing to only those files defined in the "core" BIDS
spec, as setting validate=True will lead files in supplementary folders
like derivatives/, code/, etc. to be ignored.
absolute_paths : bool, optional
If True, queries always return absolute paths.
If False, queries return relative paths (for files and
derivatives : bool or str or list, optional
Specifies whether and/or which
derivatives to index. If True, all pipelines found in the
derivatives/ subdirectory will be indexed. If a str or list, gives
the paths to one or more derivatives directories to index. If False
or None, the derivatives/ directory is ignored during indexing, and
derivatives will have to be added manually via add_derivatives().
Note: derivatives datasets MUST contain a dataset_description.json
file in order to be indexed.
config : str or list or None, optional
Optional name(s) of configuration file(s) to use.
By default (None), uses 'bids'.
sources : :obj:`bids.layout.BIDSLayout` or list or None, optional
Optional BIDSLayout(s) from which the current BIDSLayout is derived.
config_filename : str
Optional name of filename within directories
that contains configuration information.
regex_search : bool
Whether to require exact matching (True) or regex
search (False, default) when comparing the query string to each
entity in .get() calls. This sets a default for the instance, but
can be overridden in individual .get() requests.
database_path : str
Optional path to directory containing SQLite database file index
for this BIDS dataset. If a value is passed and the folder
already exists, indexing is skipped. By default (i.e., if None),
an in-memory SQLite database is used, and the index will not
persist unless .save() is explicitly called.
reset_database : bool
If True, any existing directory specified in the
database_path argument is deleted, and the BIDS dataset provided
in the root argument is reindexed. If False, indexing will be
skipped and the existing database file will be used. Ignored if
database_path is not provided.
indexer: BIDSLayoutIndexer or callable
An optional BIDSLayoutIndexer instance to use for indexing, or any
callable that takes a BIDSLayout instance as its only argument. If
None, a new indexer with default parameters will be implicitly created.
is_derivative: bool
Index dataset as a derivative dataset. This can be enabled along with
validate=False to index derivatives without dataset_description.json. If
validate=True, the dataset must have a dataset_description.json with
DatasetType=derivative and GeneratedBy
indexer_kwargs: dict
Optional keyword arguments to pass onto the newly created
BIDSLayoutIndexer. Valid keywords are 'ignore', 'force_index',
'index_metadata', and 'config_filename'. Ignored if indexer is not
def __init__(self, root=None, validate=True, absolute_paths=True,
derivatives=False, config=None, sources=None,
regex_search=False, database_path=None, reset_database=False,
indexer=None, is_derivative=False, **indexer_kwargs):
if not absolute_paths:
ind_args = {'force_index', 'ignore', 'index_metadata', 'config_filename'}
if ind_args & set(indexer_kwargs.keys()):
# Load from existing database file
load_db = (database_path is not None and reset_database is False and
if load_db:
self.connection_manager = ConnectionManager(database_path)
info = self.connection_manager.layout_info
# Overwrite init args with values in DB
root = info.root
absolute_paths = info.absolute_paths
derivatives = info.derivatives
config = info.config
# Validate that a valid BIDS project exists at root
root, description = validate_root(root, validate)
if any([
description and description.get("DatasetType") == "derivative"
self.source_pipeline = validate_derivative_path(root)
except BIDSValidationError as err:
if validate:
raise err
self.source_pipeline = None
default_config = ["bids", "derivatives"]
self.is_derivative = True
self.source_pipeline = None
default_config = ["bids"]
self.is_derivative = False
self._root = root # type: Path
self.description = description
self.absolute_paths = absolute_paths
self.derivatives = DerivativeDatasets()
self.sources = sources
self.regex_search = regex_search
# Initialize a completely new layout and index the dataset
if not load_db:
# If config supplied from user or loaded from db, use it. Otherwise, fall
# back to a default
config = listify(config if config else default_config)
init_args = dict(root=root, absolute_paths=absolute_paths,
derivatives=derivatives, config=config)
self.connection_manager = ConnectionManager(
database_path, reset_database, config, init_args)
# Do not overwrite indexer variable, so the same configuration is passed to
# add_derivatives() below
_indexer = indexer or BIDSLayoutIndexer(
validate=validate and not is_derivative, **indexer_kwargs
# Add derivatives if any are found
if derivatives:
if derivatives is True:
derivatives = root / 'derivatives'
derivatives, parent_database_path=database_path,
validate=validate, absolute_paths=absolute_paths,
derivatives=None, sources=self, config=None,
regex_search=regex_search, reset_database=reset_database,
indexer=indexer, **indexer_kwargs)
def root(self):
return str(self._root)
def __getattr__(self, key):
"""Dynamically inspect missing methods for get_<entity>() calls
and return a partial function of get() if a match is found."""
if key.startswith('get_'):
ent_name = key.replace('get_', '')
entities = self.get_entities()
# Use inflect to check both singular and plural forms
if ent_name not in entities:
sing = inflect.engine().singular_noun(ent_name)
if sing in entities:
ent_name = sing
raise BIDSEntityError(
"'get_{}' can't be called because '{}' isn't a "
"recognized entity name.".format(ent_name, ent_name))
return partial(self.get, return_type='id', target=ent_name)
# Spit out default message if we get this far
raise AttributeError("%s object has no attribute named %r" %
(self.__class__.__name__, key))
def __repr__(self):
"""Provide a tidy summary of key properties."""
n_subjects = len(
for s in self.session.query(Tag).filter_by(
n_sessions = len(
(t.value, t.file.entities.get('subject'))
for t in
if t.file.entities.get('subject')
n_runs = len(
(t.value, t.file.entities.get('subject'))
for t in
if isinstance(t.value, int) and t.file.entities.get('subject')
root = self.root[-30:]
s = ("BIDS Layout: ...{} | Subjects: {} | Sessions: {} | "
"Runs: {}".format(root, n_subjects, n_sessions, n_runs))
return s
def _in_scope(self, scope):
"""Determine whether current BIDSLayout is in the passed scope.
scope : str or list
The intended scope(s). Each value must be one of 'all', 'raw',
'derivatives', or a pipeline name.
scope = listify(scope)
if 'all' in scope:
return True
# We assume something is a BIDS-derivatives dataset if it either has a
# defined pipeline name, or is applying the 'derivatives' rules.
pl_name = self.source_pipeline
return any([
'raw' in scope and not self.is_derivative,
('derivatives' in scope or pl_name in scope) and self.is_derivative
def _get_layouts_in_scope(self, scope):
"""Return all layouts in the passed scope."""
if scope == 'self':
return [self]
def collect_layouts(layout):
"""Recursively build a list of layouts."""
children = list(layout.derivatives.values())
layouts = [collect_layouts(d) for d in children]
return [layout] + list(chain(*layouts))
layouts = [l for l in collect_layouts(self) if l._in_scope(scope)]
return list(set(layouts))
def _sanitize_query_dtypes(self, entities):
"""Automatically convert entity query values to correct dtypes."""
entities = entities.copy()
names = list(entities.keys())
ents = {e.name: e for e in
# Fail silently because the DB may still know how to reconcile
# type differences.
for name, val in entities.items():
if isinstance(val, enum.Enum):
if isinstance(val, (list, tuple)):
entities[name] = [
v if isinstance(v, Query) else ents[name]._astype(v)
for v in val
entities[name] = ents[name]._astype(val)
except Exception:
return entities
def session(self):
return self.connection_manager.session
def config(self):
return {c.name: c for c in self.session.query(Config).all()}
def entities(self):
"""Get the entities."""
return self.get_entities()
def files(self):
"""Get the files."""
return self.get_files()
def load(cls, database_path):
""" Load index from database path. Initialization parameters are set to
those found in database_path JSON sidecar.
database_path : str, Path
The path to the desired database folder. If a relative path is
passed, it is assumed to be relative to the BIDSLayout root
return cls(database_path=database_path)
def save(self, database_path, replace_connection=True):
"""Save the current index as a SQLite3 DB at the specified location.
Note: This is only necessary if a database_path was not specified
at initialization, and the user now wants to save the index.
If a database_path was specified originally, there is no need to
re-save using this method.
database_path : str
The path to the desired database folder. By default,
uses .db_cache. If a relative path is passed, it is assumed to
be relative to the BIDSLayout root directory.
replace_connection : bool, optional
If True, the newly created database will
be used for all subsequent connections. This means that any
changes to the index made after the .save() call will be
reflected in the database file. If False, the previous database
will continue to be used, and any subsequent changes will not
be reflected in the new file unless save() is explicitly called
database_path = Path(database_path)
self.connection_manager = self.connection_manager.save_database(
database_path, replace_connection)
# Recursively save children
for pipeline_name, der in self.derivatives.items():
der.save(database_path / pipeline_name)
def get_entities(self, scope='all', metadata=None):
"""Get entities for all layouts in the specified scope.
scope : str
The scope of the search space. Indicates which
BIDSLayouts' entities to extract.
See :obj:`bids.layout.BIDSLayout.get` docstring for valid values.
metadata : bool or None
By default (None), all available entities
are returned. If True, only entities found in metadata files
(and not defined for filenames) are returned. If False, only
entities defined for filenames (and not those found in JSON
sidecars) are returned.
Dictionary where keys are entity names and
values are Entity instances.
# TODO: memoize results
layouts = self._get_layouts_in_scope(scope)
entities = {}
for l in layouts:
query = l.session.query(Entity)
if metadata is not None:
query = query.join(Tag).filter_by(is_metadata=metadata)
results = query.all()
entities.update({e.name: e for e in results})
return entities
def get_files(self, scope='all'):
"""Get BIDSFiles for all layouts in the specified scope.
scope : str
The scope of the search space. Indicates which
BIDSLayouts' entities to extract.
See :obj:`bids.layout.BIDSLayout.get` docstring for valid values.
A dict, where keys are file paths and values
are :obj:`bids.layout.BIDSFile` instances.
# TODO: memoize results
layouts = self._get_layouts_in_scope(scope)
files = {}
for l in layouts:
results = l.session.query(BIDSFile).all()
files.update({f.path: f for f in results})
return files
def clone(self):
"""Return a deep copy of the current BIDSLayout."""
return copy.deepcopy(self)
def parse_file_entities(self, filename, scope='all', entities=None,
config=None, include_unmatched=False):
"""Parse the passed filename for entity/value pairs.
filename : str
The filename to parse for entity values
scope : str or list, optional
The scope of the search space. Indicates which BIDSLayouts'
entities to extract. See :obj:`bids.layout.BIDSLayout.get`
docstring for valid values. By default, extracts all entities.
entities : list or None, optional
An optional list of Entity instances to use in
extraction. If passed, the scope and config arguments are
ignored, and only the Entities in this list are used.
config : str or :obj:`bids.layout.models.Config` or list or None, optional
One or more :obj:`bids.layout.models.Config` objects, or paths
to JSON config files on disk, containing the Entity definitions
to use in extraction. If passed, scope is ignored.
include_unmatched : bool, optional
If True, unmatched entities are included
in the returned dict, with values set to None. If False
(default), unmatched entities are ignored.
Dictionary where keys are Entity names and values are the
values extracted from the filename.
# If either entities or config is specified, just pass through
if entities is None and config is None:
layouts = self._get_layouts_in_scope(scope)
config = chain(*[list(l.config.values()) for l in layouts])
config = list(set(config))
return parse_file_entities(filename, entities, config,
def _get_derivative_dirs(self, paths):
for path in paths:
p = Path(path).absolute()
base = p.name
if Path.exists(p / "dataset_description.json"):
yield (base, p)
yield from (
(f"{base}/{dd.parent.name}", dd.parent)
for dd in p.glob("*/dataset_description.json")
def add_derivatives(self, path, parent_database_path=None, **kwargs):
"""Add BIDS-Derivatives datasets to tracking.
path : str or list
One or more paths to BIDS-Derivatives datasets.
Each path can point to either a derivatives/ directory
containing one or more pipeline directories, or to a single
pipeline directory (e.g., derivatives/fmriprep).
parent_database_path : str or Path
If not None, use the pipeline name from the dataset_description.json
file as the database folder name to nest within the parent database
folder name to write out derivative index to.
kwargs : dict
Optional keyword arguments to pass on to
BIDSLayout() when initializing each of the derivative datasets.
Every derivatives directory intended for indexing MUST contain a
valid dataset_description.json file. See the BIDS-Derivatives
specification for details.
paths = listify(path)
if parent_database_path:
parent_database_path = Path(parent_database_path)
deriv_paths = list(self._get_derivative_dirs(paths))
if not deriv_paths:
warnings.warn("Derivative indexing was requested, but no valid "
"datasets were found in the specified locations "
"({}). Note that all BIDS-Derivatives datasets must"
" meet all the requirements for BIDS-Raw datasets "
"(a common problem is to fail to include a "
"'dataset_description.json' file in derivatives "
"datasets).\n".format(paths) +
"Example contents of 'dataset_description.json':\n%s" %
# Default config and sources values
kwargs['sources'] = kwargs.get('sources') or self
for name, path in deriv_paths:
if parent_database_path:
child_database_path = parent_database_path / name
kwargs['database_path'] = child_database_path
if name in self.derivatives:
raise BIDSDerivativesValidationError(
f"Pipeline name {name} ({path!s}) has already been added to this "
"BIDSLayout. Every added pipeline must have a unique name!"
self.derivatives[name] = BIDSLayout(path, is_derivative=True, **kwargs)
def to_df(self, metadata=False, **filters):
"""Return information for BIDSFiles tracked in Layout as pd.DataFrame.
metadata : bool, optional
If True, includes columns for all metadata fields.
If False, only filename-based entities are included as columns.
filters : dict, optional
Optional keyword arguments passed on to get(). This allows
one to easily select only a subset of files for export.
A pandas DataFrame, where each row is a file, and each column is
a tracked entity. NaNs are injected whenever a file has no
value for a given attribute.
import pandas as pd
except ImportError:
raise ImportError('Missing dependency: "pandas"')
# TODO: efficiency could probably be improved further by joining the
# BIDSFile and Tag tables and running a single query. But this would
# require refactoring the below to use _build_file_query, which will
# in turn likely require generalizing the latter.
files = self.get(**filters)
file_paths = [f.path for f in files]
query = self.session.query(Tag).filter(Tag.file_path.in_(file_paths))
if not metadata:
query = query.join(Entity).filter(Tag.is_metadata == False) # noqa: E712
tags = query.all()
tags = [[t.file_path, t.entity_name, t.value] for t in tags]
data = pd.DataFrame(tags, columns=['path', 'entity', 'value'])
data = data.pivot(index='path', columns='entity', values='value')
# Add in orphaned files with no Tags. Maybe make this an argument?
orphans = list(set(file_paths) - set(data.index))
for o in orphans:
data.loc[o] = pd.Series(dtype=float)
return data.reset_index()
def get(self, return_type='object', target=None, scope='all',
regex_search=False, absolute_paths=None, invalid_filters='error',
"""Retrieve files and/or metadata from the current Layout.
return_type : str, optional
Type of result to return. Valid values:
'object' (default): return a list of matching BIDSFile objects.
'file' or 'filename': return a list of matching filenames.
'dir': return a list of directories.
'id': return a list of unique IDs. Must be used together
with a valid target.
target : str, optional
Optional name of the target entity to get results for
(only used if return_type is 'dir' or 'id').
scope : str or list, optional
Scope of the search space. If passed, only
nodes/directories that match the specified scope will be
searched. Possible values include:
'all' (default): search all available directories.
'derivatives': search all derivatives directories.
'raw': search only BIDS-Raw directories.
'self': search only the directly called BIDSLayout.
<PipelineName>: the name of a BIDS-Derivatives pipeline.
regex_search : bool or None, optional
Whether to require exact matching
(False) or regex search (True) when comparing the query string
to each entity.
absolute_paths : bool, optional
Optionally override the instance-wide option
to report either absolute or relative (to the top of the
dataset) paths. If None, will fall back on the value specified
at BIDSLayout initialization.
invalid_filters (str): Controls behavior when named filters are
encountered that don't exist in the database (e.g., in the case of
a typo like subbject='0.1'). Valid values:
'error' (default): Raise an explicit error.
'drop': Silently drop invalid filters (equivalent to not having
passed them as arguments in the first place).
'allow': Include the invalid filters in the query, resulting
in no results being returned.
filters : dict
Any optional key/values to filter the entities on.
Keys are entity names, values are regexes to filter on. For
example, passing filters={'subject': 'sub-[12]'} would return
only files that match the first two subjects. In addition to
ordinary data types, the following enums are defined (in the
Query class):
* Query.NONE: The named entity must not be defined.
* Query.ANY: the named entity must be defined, but can have any
list of :obj:`bids.layout.BIDSFile` or str
A list of BIDSFiles (default) or strings (see return_type).
if absolute_paths is False:
layouts = self._get_layouts_in_scope(scope)
entities = self.get_entities()
# error check on users accidentally passing in filters
if isinstance(filters.get('filters'), dict):
raise RuntimeError('You passed in filters as a dictionary named '
'filters; please pass the keys in as named '
'keywords to the `get()` call. For example: '
# Ensure leading periods if extensions were passed
if 'extension' in filters and 'bids' in self.config:
filters['extension'] = ['.' + x.lstrip('.') if isinstance(x, str) else x
for x in listify(filters['extension'])]
if invalid_filters != 'allow':
bad_filters = set(filters.keys()) - set(entities.keys())
if bad_filters:
if invalid_filters == 'drop':
for bad_filt in bad_filters:
elif invalid_filters == 'error':
first_bad = list(bad_filters)[0]
msg = "'{}' is not a recognized entity. ".format(first_bad)
ents = list(entities.keys())
suggestions = difflib.get_close_matches(first_bad, ents)
if suggestions:
msg += "Did you mean {}? ".format(suggestions)
raise ValueError(msg + "If you're sure you want to impose "
"this constraint, set "
# Provide some suggestions if target is specified and invalid.
if target is not None and target not in entities:
potential = list(entities.keys())
suggestions = difflib.get_close_matches(target, potential)
if suggestions:
message = "Did you mean one of: {}?".format(suggestions)
message = "Valid targets are: {}".format(potential)
raise TargetError(("Unknown target '{}'. " + message)
results = []
for l in layouts:
query = l._build_file_query(filters=filters,
# NOTE: The following line, when uncommented, eager loads
# associations. This was introduced in order to prevent sessions
# from randomly detaching. It should be fixed by setting
# expire_on_commit at session creation, but let's leave this here
# for another release or two to make sure we don't have any further
# problems.
# query = query.options(joinedload(BIDSFile.tags)
# .joinedload(Tag.entity))
# Convert to relative paths if needed
if absolute_paths is None: # can be overloaded as option to .get
absolute_paths = self.absolute_paths
if not absolute_paths:
for i, fi in enumerate(results):
fi = copy.copy(fi)
fi.path = str(fi._path.relative_to(self._root))
results[i] = fi
if return_type.startswith('file'):
results = natural_sort([f.path for f in results])
elif return_type in ['id', 'dir']:
if target is None:
raise TargetError('If return_type is "id" or "dir", a valid '
'target entity must also be specified.')
if return_type == 'id':
results = list(dict.fromkeys(
res.entities[target] for res in results
if target in res.entities and isinstance(res.entities[target], Hashable)
elif return_type == 'dir':
template = entities[target].directory
if template is None:
raise ValueError('Return type set to directory, but no '
'directory template is defined for the '
'target entity (\"%s\").' % target)
# Construct regex search pattern from target directory template
# On Windows, the regex won't compile if, e.g., there is a folder starting with "U" on the path.
# Converting to a POSIX path with forward slashes solves this.
template = self._root.as_posix() + template
to_rep = re.findall(r'{(.*?)\}', template)
for ent in to_rep:
patt = entities[ent].pattern
template = template.replace('{%s}' % ent, patt)
# Avoid matching subfolders. We are working with POSIX paths here, so we explicitly use "/"
# as path separator.
template += r'[^/]*$'
matches = [
f.dirname if absolute_paths else str(f._dirname.relative_to(self._root)) # noqa: E501
for f in results
if re.search(template, f._dirname.as_posix())
results = natural_sort(list(set(matches)))
raise ValueError("Invalid return_type specified (must be one "
"of 'tuple', 'filename', 'id', or 'dir'.")
results = natural_sort(results, 'path')
return results
def get_file(self, filename, scope='all'):
"""Return the BIDSFile object with the specified path.
filename : str
The path of the file to retrieve. Must be either an absolute path,
or relative to the root of this BIDSLayout.
scope : str or list, optional
Scope of the search space. If passed, only BIDSLayouts that match
the specified scope will be searched. See :obj:`BIDSLayout.get`
docstring for valid values. Default is 'all'.
:obj:`bids.layout.BIDSFile` or None
File found, or None if no match was found.
filename = self._root.joinpath(filename).absolute()
for layout in self._get_layouts_in_scope(scope):
result = layout.session.query(
BIDSFile).filter_by(path=str(filename)).first() # noqa: E501
if result:
return result
return None
def _build_file_query(self, **kwargs):
query = self.session.query(BIDSFile).filter_by(is_dir=False)
filters = kwargs.get('filters')
# Entity filtering
if filters:
regex = kwargs.get('regex_search', False)
filters = self._sanitize_query_dtypes(filters)
for name, val in filters.items():
tag_alias = aliased(Tag)
val_list = list(listify(val)) if val is not None else [None]
if not val_list:
if Query.OPTIONAL in val_list:
none = required = False
if None in val_list:
none = True
if Query.NONE in val_list:
none = True
if Query.REQUIRED in val_list:
required = True
if none and required:
# Always true, apply no filter
# Baseline, use join, start accumulating clauses
join_method = query.join
val_clauses = []
# NONE and REQUIRED get special treatment
if none:
join_method = query.outerjoin
if required:
# Any remaining values
if regex:
for v in val_list])
elif val_list:
_value = tag_alias._value
if isinstance(val_list[0], int):
_value = cast(tag_alias._value, sa.Integer)
# Looking for intersection with list of vals, so use OR
val_clause = sa.or_(*val_clauses) if len(val_clauses) > 1 else val_clauses[0]
query = join_method(
BIDSFile.path == tag_alias.file_path,
tag_alias.entity_name == name
query = query.filter(val_clause)
query = query.group_by(BIDSFile.path)
return query
def get_collections(self, level, types=None, variables=None, merge=False,
sampling_rate=None, skip_empty=False, **kwargs):
"""Return one or more variable Collections in the BIDS project.
level : {'run', 'session', 'subject', 'dataset'}
The level of analysis to return variables for.
Must be one of 'run', 'session','subject', or 'dataset'.
types : str or list
Types of variables to retrieve. All valid values reflect the
filename stipulated in the BIDS spec for each kind of variable.
Valid values include: 'events', 'physio', 'stim', 'scans',
'participants', 'sessions', and 'regressors'. Default is None.
variables : list
Optional list of variables names to return. If None, all available
variables are returned.
merge : bool
If True, variables are merged across all observations of the
current level. E.g., if level='subject', variables from all
subjects will be merged into a single collection. If False, each
observation is handled separately, and the result is returned
as a list.
sampling_rate : int or str
If level='run', the sampling rate to pass onto the returned
skip_empty : bool
Whether or not to skip empty Variables (i.e., where there are no
rows/records in a file after applying any filtering operations
like dropping NaNs).
Optional additional arguments to pass onto
list of :obj:`bids.variables.collections.BIDSVariableCollection`
or :obj:`bids.variables.collections.BIDSVariableCollection`
A list if merge=False;
a single :obj:`bids.variables.collections.BIDSVariableCollection`
if merge=True.
from bids.variables import load_variables
index = load_variables(self, types=types, levels=level,
skip_empty=skip_empty, **kwargs)
return index.get_collections(level, variables, merge,
def get_metadata(self, path, include_entities=False, scope='all'):
"""Return metadata found in JSON sidecars for the specified file.
path : str
Path to the file to get metadata for.
include_entities : bool, optional
If True, all available entities extracted
from the filename (rather than JSON sidecars) are included in
the returned metadata dictionary.
scope : str or list, optional
The scope of the search space. Each element must
be one of 'all', 'raw', 'self', 'derivatives', or a
BIDS-Derivatives pipeline name. Defaults to searching all
available datasets.
A dictionary of key/value pairs extracted from all of the
target file's associated JSON sidecars.
A dictionary containing metadata extracted from all matching .json
files is returned. In cases where the same key is found in multiple
files, the values in files closer to the input filename will take
precedence, per the inheritance rules in the BIDS specification.
md = BIDSMetadata(str(path))
for layout in self._get_layouts_in_scope(scope):
query = (layout.session.query(Tag)
.filter(BIDSFile.path == str(path)))
if not include_entities:
query = query.join(Entity).filter(Tag.is_metadata == True) # noqa: E712
results = query.all()
if results:
md.update({t.entity_name: t.value for t in results})
return md
return md
def get_dataset_description(self, scope='self', all_=False):
"""Return contents of dataset_description.json.
scope : str
The scope of the search space. Only descriptions of
BIDSLayouts that match the specified scope will be returned.
See :obj:`bids.layout.BIDSLayout.get` docstring for valid values.
Defaults to 'self' --i.e., returns the dataset_description.json
file for only the directly-called BIDSLayout.
all_ : bool
If True, returns a list containing descriptions for
all matching layouts. If False (default), returns for only the
first matching layout.
dict or list of dict
a dictionary or list of dictionaries (depending on all_).
layouts = self._get_layouts_in_scope(scope)
if not all_:
return layouts[0].get_file('dataset_description.json').get_dict()
return [l.get_file('dataset_description.json').get_dict()
for l in layouts]
def get_nearest(self, path, return_type='filename', strict=True,
all_=False, ignore_strict_entities='extension',
full_search=False, **filters):
"""Walk up file tree from specified path and return nearest matching file(s).
path (str): The file to search from.
return_type (str): What to return; must be one of 'filename'
(default) or 'tuple'.
strict (bool): When True, all entities present in both the input
path and the target file(s) must match perfectly. When False,
files will be ordered by the number of matching entities, and
partial matches will be allowed.
all_ (bool): When True, returns all matching files. When False
(default), only returns the first match.
ignore_strict_entities (str, list): Optional entity/entities to
exclude from strict matching when strict is True. This allows
one to search, e.g., for files of a different type while
matching all other entities perfectly by passing
ignore_strict_entities=['type']. Ignores extension by default.
full_search (bool): If True, searches all indexed files, even if
they don't share a common root with the provided path. If
False, only files that share a common root will be scanned.
filters : dict
Optional keywords to pass on to :obj:`bids.layout.BIDSLayout.get`.
path = Path(path).absolute()
# Make sure we have a valid suffix
if not filters.get('suffix'):
f = self.get_file(path)
if 'suffix' not in f.entities:
raise BIDSValidationError(
"File '%s' does not have a valid suffix, most "
"likely because it is not a valid BIDS file." % path
filters['suffix'] = f.entities['suffix']
# Collect matches for all entities
entities = {}
for ent in self.get_entities(metadata=False).values():
m = ent.regex.search(str(path))
if m:
entities[ent.name] = ent._astype(m.group(1))
# Remove any entities we want to ignore when strict matching is on
if strict and ignore_strict_entities is not None:
for k in listify(ignore_strict_entities):
entities.pop(k, None)
# Get candidate files
results = self.get(**filters)
# Make a dictionary of directories --> contained files
folders = defaultdict(list)
for f in results:
# Build list of candidate directories to check
search_paths = []
while True:
if path in folders and folders[path]:
parent = path.parent
if parent == path:
path = parent
if full_search:
unchecked = set(folders.keys()) - set(search_paths)
search_paths.extend(path for path in unchecked if folders[path])
def count_matches(f):
# Count the number of entities shared with the passed file
f_ents = f.entities
keys = set(entities.keys()) & set(f_ents.keys())
shared = len(keys)
return [shared, sum([entities[k] == f_ents[k] for k in keys])]
matches = []
for path in search_paths:
# Sort by number of matching entities. Also store number of
# common entities, for filtering when strict=True.
num_ents = [[f] + count_matches(f) for f in folders[path]]
# Filter out imperfect matches (i.e., where number of common
# entities does not equal number of matching entities).
if strict:
num_ents = [f for f in num_ents if f[1] == f[2]]
num_ents.sort(key=lambda x: x[2], reverse=True)
if num_ents:
for f_match in num_ents:
if not all_:
matches = [match.path if return_type.startswith('file')
else match for match in matches]
return matches if all_ else matches[0] if matches else None
def get_bvec(self, path, **kwargs):
"""Get bvec file for passed path."""
result = self.get_nearest(path, extension='.bvec', suffix='dwi',
all_=True, **kwargs)
return listify(result)[0]
def get_bval(self, path, **kwargs):
"""Get bval file for passed path."""
result = self.get_nearest(path, suffix='dwi', extension='.bval',
all_=True, **kwargs)
return listify(result)[0]
def get_fieldmap(self, path, return_list=False):
"""Get fieldmap(s) for specified path."""
fieldmaps = self._get_fieldmaps(path)
if return_list:
return fieldmaps
if len(fieldmaps) == 1:
return fieldmaps[0]
elif len(fieldmaps) > 1:
raise ValueError("More than one fieldmap found, but the "
"'return_list' argument was set to False. "
"Either ensure that there is only one "
"fieldmap for this image, or set the "
"'return_list' argument to True and handle "
"the result as a list.")
else: # len(fieldmaps) == 0
return None
def _get_fieldmaps(self, path):
path = str(path)
sub = self.parse_file_entities(path)['subject']
fieldmap_set = []
suffix = '(phase1|phasediff|epi|fieldmap)'
files = self.get(subject=sub, suffix=suffix, regex_search=True,
extension=['.nii.gz', '.nii'])
for file in files:
metadata = self.get_metadata(file.path)
if metadata and "IntendedFor" in metadata.keys():
intended_for = listify(metadata["IntendedFor"])
# path uses local os separators while _suff read from json likely uses author's os separators, so we
# convert _suff to use local separators.
if any([path.endswith(str(Path(_suff))) for _suff in intended_for]):
cur_fieldmap = {}
if file.entities['suffix'] == "phasediff":
cur_fieldmap = {"phasediff": file.path,
"magnitude1": file.path.replace(
"phasediff", "magnitude1"),
"suffix": "phasediff"}
magnitude2 = file.path.replace(
"phasediff", "magnitude2")
if Path(magnitude2).is_file():
cur_fieldmap['magnitude2'] = magnitude2
elif file.entities['suffix'] == "phase1":
cur_fieldmap["phase1"] = file.path
cur_fieldmap["magnitude1"] = \
file.path.replace("phase1", "magnitude1")
cur_fieldmap["phase2"] = \
file.path.replace("phase1", "phase2")
cur_fieldmap["magnitude2"] = \
file.path.replace("phase1", "magnitude2")
cur_fieldmap["suffix"] = "phase"
elif file.entities['suffix'] == "epi":
cur_fieldmap["epi"] = file.path
cur_fieldmap["suffix"] = "epi"
elif file.entities['suffix'] == "fieldmap":
cur_fieldmap["fieldmap"] = file.path
cur_fieldmap["magnitude"] = \
file.path.replace("fieldmap", "magnitude")
cur_fieldmap["suffix"] = "fieldmap"
return fieldmap_set
def get_tr(self, derivatives=False, **filters):
"""Return the scanning repetition time (TR) for one or more runs.
derivatives : bool
If True, also checks derivatives images.
filters : dict
Optional keywords used to constrain the selected runs.
Can be any arguments valid for a .get call (e.g., BIDS entities
or JSON sidecar keys).
A single float.
Raises an exception if more than one unique TR is found.
# Constrain search to functional images
filters.update(suffix='bold', datatype='func')
scope = 'all' if derivatives else 'raw'
images = self.get(extension=['.nii', '.nii.gz'], scope=scope,
if not images:
raise NoMatchError("No functional images that match criteria found.")
all_trs = set()
for img in images:
md = self.get_metadata(img.path)
all_trs.add(round(float(md['RepetitionTime']), 5))
if len(all_trs) > 1:
raise NoMatchError("Unique TR cannot be found given filters {!r}"
return all_trs.pop()
def build_path(self, source, path_patterns=None, strict=False,
scope='all', validate=True, absolute_paths=None):
"""Construct a target filename for a file or dictionary of entities.
source : str or :obj:`bids.layout.BIDSFile` or dict
The source data to use to construct the new file path.
Must be one of:
- A BIDSFile object
- A string giving the path of a BIDSFile contained within the
current Layout.
- A dict of entities, with entity names in keys and values in
path_patterns : list
Optional path patterns to use to construct
the new file path. If None, the Layout-defined patterns will
be used. Entities should be represented by the name
surrounded by curly braces. Optional portions of the patterns
should be denoted by square brackets. Entities that require a
specific value for the pattern to match can pass them inside
angle brackets. Default values can be assigned by specifying a string
after the pipe operator. E.g., (e.g., {type<image>|bold} would
only match the pattern if the entity 'type' was passed and its
value is "image", otherwise the default value "bold" will be
Example: 'sub-{subject}/[var-{name}/]{id}.csv'
Result: 'sub-01/var-SES/1045.csv'
strict : bool, optional
If True, all entities must be matched inside a
pattern in order to be a valid match. If False, extra entities
will be ignored so long as all mandatory entities are found.
scope : str or list, optional
The scope of the search space. Indicates which
BIDSLayouts' path patterns to use. See BIDSLayout docstring
for valid values. By default, uses all available layouts. If
two or more values are provided, the order determines the
precedence of path patterns (i.e., earlier layouts will have
higher precedence).
validate : bool, optional
If True, built path must pass BIDS validator. If
False, no validation is attempted, and an invalid path may be
returned (e.g., if an entity value contains a hyphen).
absolute_paths : bool, optional
Optionally override the instance-wide option
to report either absolute or relative (to the top of the
dataset) paths. If None, will fall back on the value specified
at BIDSLayout initialization.
# 'is_file' is a crude check for Path objects
if isinstance(source, str) or hasattr(source, 'is_file'):
source = str(source)
if source not in self.files:
source = self._root / source
source = self.get_file(source)
if isinstance(source, BIDSFile):
source = source.entities
if path_patterns is None:
layouts = self._get_layouts_in_scope(scope)
path_patterns = []
seen_configs = set()
for l in layouts:
for c in l.config.values():
if c in seen_configs:
if c.default_path_patterns is not None:
built = build_path(source, path_patterns, strict)
if built is None:
raise ValueError(
"Unable to construct build path with source {}".format(source))
to_check = Path('/').joinpath(built).as_posix()
if validate and not BIDSValidator().is_bids(to_check):
raise BIDSValidationError(
"Built path {} is not a valid BIDS filename. "
"Please make sure all provided entity values are "
# Convert to absolute paths if needed
if absolute_paths is None:
absolute_paths = self.absolute_paths
if absolute_paths:
built = self._root / built # type: pathlib.Path
# convert into a posix path for consistency with `writing.build_path`
built = built.as_posix() # type: str
return built
def copy_files(self, files=None, path_patterns=None, symbolic_links=True,
root=None, conflicts='fail', **kwargs):
"""Copy BIDSFile(s) to new locations.
The new locations are defined by each BIDSFile's entities and the
specified `path_patterns`.
files : list
Optional list of BIDSFile objects to write out. If
none provided, use files from running a get() query using
remaining **kwargs.
path_patterns : str or list
Write patterns to pass to each file's write_file method.
symbolic_links : bool
Whether to copy each file as a symbolic link or a deep copy.
root : str
Optional root directory that all patterns are relative
to. Defaults to dataset root.
conflicts : str
Defines the desired action when the output path already exists.
Must be one of:
'fail': raises an exception
'skip' does nothing
'overwrite': overwrites the existing file
'append': adds a suffix to each file copy, starting with 1
kwargs : dict
Optional key word arguments to pass into a get() query.
root = self.root if root is None else root
_files = self.get(**kwargs)
if files:
_files = list(set(files).intersection(_files))
for f in _files:
f.copy(path_patterns, symbolic_link=symbolic_links,
root=root, conflicts=conflicts)
def write_to_file(self, entities, path_patterns=None,
contents=None, link_to=None, copy_from=None,
content_mode='text', conflicts='fail',
strict=False, validate=True):
"""Write data to a file defined by the passed entities and patterns.
entities : dict
A dictionary of entities, with Entity names in
keys and values for the desired file in values.
path_patterns : list
Optional path patterns to use when building
the filename. If None, the Layout-defined patterns will be
contents : object
Contents to write to the generate file path.
Can be any object serializable as text or binary data (as
defined in the content_mode argument).
link_to : str
Optional path with which to create a symbolic link
to. Used as an alternative to and takes priority over the
contents argument.
conflicts : str
Defines the desired action when the output path already exists.
Must be one of:
'fail': raises an exception
'skip' does nothing
'overwrite': overwrites the existing file
'append': adds a suffix to each file copy, starting with 1
strict : bool
If True, all entities must be matched inside a
pattern in order to be a valid match. If False, extra entities
will be ignored so long as all mandatory entities are found.
validate : bool
If True, built path must pass BIDS validator. If
False, no validation is attempted, and an invalid path may be
returned (e.g., if an entity value contains a hyphen).
path = self.build_path(entities, path_patterns, strict,
if path is None:
raise ValueError("Cannot construct any valid filename for "
"the passed entities given available path "
write_to_file(path, contents=contents, link_to=link_to,
copy_from=copy_from, content_mode=content_mode,
conflicts=conflicts, root=self.root)
class Query(enum.Enum):
"""Enums for use with BIDSLayout.get()."""
NONE = 1 # Entity must not be present
REQUIRED = ANY = 2 # Entity must be defined, but with an arbitrary value
OPTIONAL = 3 # Entity may or may not be defined