Source code for bids.layout.utils

"""Miscellaneous layout-related utilities."""
from pathlib import Path

from .. import config as cf
from ..utils import make_bidsfile, listify
from ..exceptions import ConfigError

class BIDSMetadata(dict):
    """ Metadata dictionary that reports the associated file on lookup failures. """
    def __init__(self, source_file):
        self._source_file = source_file

    def __getitem__(self, key):
            return super().__getitem__(key)
        except KeyError as e:
            raise KeyError(
                "Metadata term {!r} unavailable for file {}.".format(key, self._source_file))

class PaddedInt(int):
    """ Integer type that preserves zero-padding

    Acts like an int in almost all ways except that string formatting
    will keep the original zero-padding. Numeric format specifiers

    >>> PaddedInt(1)
    >>> p2 = PaddedInt("02")
    >>> p2
    >>> str(p2)
    >>> p2 == 2
    >>> p2 in range(3)
    >>> f"{p2}"
    >>> f"{p2:s}"
    >>> f"{p2!s}"
    >>> f"{p2!r}"
    >>> f"{p2:d}"
    >>> f"{p2:03d}"
    >>> f"{p2:f}"
    >>> {2: "val"}.get(p2)
    >>> {p2: "val"}.get(2)

    Note that arithmetic will break the padding.

    >>> str(p2 + 1)
    def __init__(self, val):
        self.sval = str(val)

    def __eq__(self, val):
        return val == self.sval or super().__eq__(val)

    def __str__(self):
        return self.sval

    def __repr__(self):
        return self.sval

    def __format__(self, format_spec):
        """ Format a padded integer

        If a format spec can be used on a string, apply it to the zero-padded string.
        Otherwise format as an integer.
            return format(self.sval, format_spec)
        except ValueError:
            return super().__format__(format_spec)

    def __hash__(self):
        return super().__hash__()

[docs] def parse_file_entities(filename, entities=None, config=None, include_unmatched=False): """Parse the passed filename for entity/value pairs. Parameters ---------- filename : str The filename to parse for entity values entities : list or None, optional An optional list of Entity instances to use in extraction. If passed, the config argument is ignored. Default is None. config : str or :obj:`bids.layout.models.Config` or list or None, optional One or more :obj:`bids.layout.models.Config` objects or names of configurations to use in matching. Each element must be a :obj:`bids.layout.models.Config` object, or a valid :obj:`bids.layout.models.Config` name (e.g., 'bids' or 'derivatives'). If None, all available configs are used. Default is None. include_unmatched : bool, optional If True, unmatched entities are included in the returned dict, with values set to None. If False (default), unmatched entities are ignored. Returns ------- dict Keys are Entity names and values are the values from the filename. """ # Load Configs if needed if entities is None: if config is None: config = ['bids', 'derivatives'] from .models import Config config = [Config.load(c) if not isinstance(c, Config) else c for c in listify(config)] # Consolidate entities from all Configs into a single dict entities = {} for c in config: entities.update(c.entities) entities = entities.values() # Extract matches bf = make_bidsfile(filename) ent_vals = {} for ent in entities: match = ent.match_file(bf) if match is not None or include_unmatched: ent_vals[] = match return ent_vals
[docs] def add_config_paths(**kwargs): """Add to the pool of available configuration files for BIDSLayout. Parameters ---------- kwargs : dict Dictionary specifying where to find additional config files. Keys are names, values are paths to the corresponding .json file. Examples -------- > add_config_paths(my_config='/path/to/config') > layout = BIDSLayout('/path/to/bids', config=['bids', 'my_config']) """ for k, path in kwargs.items(): if not Path(path).exists(): raise ConfigError( 'Configuration file "{}" does not exist'.format(k)) if k in cf.get_option('config_paths'): raise ConfigError('Configuration {!r} already exists'.format(k)) kwargs.update(**cf.get_option('config_paths')) cf.set_option('config_paths', kwargs)