Functions for building strings for individual parameters.
Generate description of dMRI b-values. |
Generate description of diffusion directions. |
Generate general description of scan length from files. |
Generate description of echo times from metadata field. |
Generate description of echo times from metadata field for fmaps |
Generate description of flip angle. |
Generate description of functional run length from repetition time and number of volumes. |
Generate description imaging data sizes, including FOV, voxel size, and matrix size. |
Generate description of in-plane acceleration factor, if any. |
Generate description of intended for targets. |
Generate description of the multi-band acceleration applied, if used. |
Generate description of phase encoding direction. |
Generate description of repetition time from metadata. |
Extract and reformat imaging sequence(s) and variant(s) into pretty strings. |
Generate description of slice timing from metadata. |
Extract and reformat voxel size, matrix size, FOV, and number of slices into strings. |
Extract slice order from slice timing info. |