1. Introduction: What is pybids?¶
1.1. What is BIDS and why should you use it?¶
1.2. What is pybids and why should you use it?¶
1.3. Installing pybids¶
Pybids is easy to install. To install the most recent release, use pip:
>>> pip install pybids
If you want the “bleeding-edge” version of pybids, you can install directly from the GitHub repository:
>>> pip install git+https://github.com/bids-standard/pybids.git
1.4. Finding help¶
- Mailing lists and forums:
Don’t hesitate to ask questions about pybids on NeuroStars.
You can find help with neuroimaging in Python (file I/O, neuroimaging-specific questions) via the nipy user group: https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups#!forum/nipy-user
If you notice a bug in the pybids code, please open an issue in the pybids repository.