Modality agnostic files#

Dataset description#


  • dataset_description.json





The file dataset_description.json is a JSON file describing the dataset. Every dataset MUST include this file with the following fields:

Key name Requirement Level Data type Description
{term}Name (metadata) REQUIRED string Name of the dataset.
{term}BIDSVersion (metadata) REQUIRED string The version of the BIDS standard that was used.
{term}HEDVersion (metadata) RECOMMENDED string If HED tags are used: The version of the HED schema used to validate HED tags for study.
{term}DatasetType (metadata) RECOMMENDED string The interpretation of the dataset. For backwards compatibility, the default value is "raw".

Must be one of: "raw", "derivative".
{term}License (metadata) RECOMMENDED string The license for the dataset. The use of license name abbreviations is RECOMMENDED for specifying a license (see Appendix II). The corresponding full license text MAY be specified in an additional LICENSE file.
{term}Authors (metadata) OPTIONAL array of strings List of individuals who contributed to the creation/curation of the dataset.
{term}Acknowledgements (metadata) OPTIONAL string Text acknowledging contributions of individuals or institutions beyond those listed in Authors or Funding.
{term}HowToAcknowledge (metadata) OPTIONAL string Text containing instructions on how researchers using this dataset should acknowledge the original authors. This field can also be used to define a publication that should be cited in publications that use the dataset.
{term}Funding (metadata) OPTIONAL array of strings List of sources of funding (grant numbers).
{term}EthicsApprovals (metadata) OPTIONAL array of strings List of ethics committee approvals of the research protocols and/or protocol identifiers.
{term}ReferencesAndLinks (metadata) OPTIONAL array of strings List of references to publications that contain information on the dataset. A reference may be textual or a URI.
{term}DatasetDOI (metadata) OPTIONAL string The Digital Object Identifier of the dataset (not the corresponding paper). DOIs SHOULD be expressed as a valid URI; bare DOIs such as are DEPRECATED.
{term}GeneratedBy (metadata) RECOMMENDED array of objects Used to specify provenance of the dataset.
{term}SourceDatasets (metadata) RECOMMENDED array of objects Used to specify the locations and relevant attributes of all source datasets. Valid keys in each object include "URL", "DOI" (see URI), and "Version" with string values.

Each object in the GeneratedBy array includes the following REQUIRED, RECOMMENDED and OPTIONAL keys:

Key name

Requirement level

Data type





Name of the pipeline or process that generated the outputs. Use "Manual" to indicate the derivatives were generated by hand, or adjusted manually after an initial run of an automated pipeline.




Version of the pipeline.




Plain-text description of the pipeline or process that generated the outputs. RECOMMENDED if Name is "Manual".




URL where the code used to generate the dataset may be found.




Used to specify the location and relevant attributes of software container image used to produce the dataset. Valid keys in this object include Type, Tag and URI with string values.


  "Name": "The mother of all experiments",
  "BIDSVersion": "1.6.0",
  "DatasetType": "raw",
  "License": "CC0",
  "Authors": [
    "Paul Broca",
    "Carl Wernicke"
  "Acknowledgements": "Special thanks to Korbinian Brodmann for help in formatting this dataset in BIDS. We thank Alan Lloyd Hodgkin and Andrew Huxley for helpful comments and discussions about the experiment and manuscript; Hermann Ludwig Helmholtz for administrative support; and Claudius Galenus for providing data for the medial-to-lateral index analysis.",
  "HowToAcknowledge": "Please cite this paper:",
  "Funding": [
    "National Institute of Neuroscience Grant F378236MFH1",
    "National Institute of Neuroscience Grant 5RMZ0023106"
  "EthicsApprovals": [
    "Army Human Research Protections Office (Protocol ARL-20098-10051, ARL 12-040, and ARL 12-041)"
  "ReferencesAndLinks": [
    "Alzheimer A., & Kraepelin, E. (2015). Neural correlates of presenile dementia in humans. Journal of Neuroscientific Data, 2, 234001. doi:1920.8/jndata.2015.7"
  "DatasetDOI": "doi:",
  "HEDVersion": "8.0.0",
  "GeneratedBy": [
      "Name": "reproin",
      "Version": "0.6.0",
      "Container": {
        "Type": "docker",
        "Tag": "repronim/reproin:0.6.0"
  "SourceDatasets": [
      "URL": "s3://dicoms/studies/correlates",
      "Version": "April 11 2011"

Derived dataset and pipeline description#

As for any BIDS dataset, a dataset_description.json file MUST be found at the top level of every derived dataset: <dataset>/derivatives/<pipeline_name>/dataset_description.json.

In contrast to raw BIDS datasets, derived BIDS datasets MUST include a GeneratedBy key:

If a derived dataset is stored as a subdirectory of the raw dataset, then the Name field of the first GeneratedBy object MUST be a substring of the derived dataset directory name. That is, in a directory <dataset>/derivatives/<pipeline>[-<variant>]/, the first GeneratedBy object should have a Name of <pipeline>.


  "Name": "FMRIPREP Outputs",
  "BIDSVersion": "1.6.0",
  "DatasetType": "derivative",
  "GeneratedBy": [
      "Name": "fmriprep",
      "Version": "1.4.1",
      "Container": {
        "Type": "docker",
        "Tag": "poldracklab/fmriprep:1.4.1"
      "Name": "Manual",
      "Description": "Re-added RepetitionTime metadata to bold.json files"
  "SourceDatasets": [
      "DOI": "doi:10.18112/openneuro.ds000114.v1.0.1",
      "URL": "",
      "Version": "1.0.1"


A REQUIRED text file, README, SHOULD describe the dataset in more detail. The README file MUST be either in ASCII or UTF-8 encoding and MAY have one of the extensions: .md (Markdown), .rst (reStructuredText), or .txt. A BIDS dataset MUST NOT contain more than one README file (with or without extension) at its root directory. BIDS does not make any recommendations with regards to the Markdown flavor and does not validate the syntax of Markdown and reStructuredText. The README file SHOULD be structured such that its contents can be easily understood even if the used format is not rendered. A guideline for creating a good README file can be found in the bids-starter-kit.


Version history of the dataset (describing changes, updates and corrections) MAY be provided in the form of a CHANGES text file. This file MUST follow the CPAN Changelog convention. The CHANGES file MUST be either in ASCII or UTF-8 encoding.


1.0.1 2015-08-27
  - Fixed slice timing information.

1.0.0 2015-08-17
  - Initial release.


A LICENSE file MAY be provided in addition to the short specification of the used license in the dataset_description.json "License" field. The "License" field and LICENSE file MUST correspond. The LICENSE file MUST be either in ASCII or UTF-8 encoding.

Participants file#



The purpose of this RECOMMENDED file is to describe properties of participants such as age, sex, handedness, species and strain. If this file exists, it MUST contain the column participant_id, which MUST consist of sub-<label> values identifying one row for each participant, followed by a list of optional columns describing participants. Each participant MUST be described by one and only one row.

The RECOMMENDED species column SHOULD be a binomial species name from the NCBI Taxonomy (for examples homo sapiens, mus musculus, rattus norvegicus). For backwards compatibility, if species is absent, the participant is assumed to be homo sapiens.

Commonly used optional columns in participants.tsv files are age, sex, handedness, strain, and strain_rrid. We RECOMMEND to make use of these columns, and in case that you do use them, we RECOMMEND to use the following values for them:

Throughout BIDS you can indicate missing values with n/a (for “not available”).

participants.tsv example:

participant_id age sex handedness group
sub-01 34 M right read
sub-02 12 F right write
sub-03 33 F n/a read

It is RECOMMENDED to accompany each participants.tsv file with a sidecar participants.json file to describe the TSV column names and properties of their values (see also the section on tabular files). Such sidecar files are needed to interpret the data, especially so when optional columns are defined beyond age, sex, handedness, species, strain, and strain_rrid, such as group in this example, or when a different age unit is needed (for example, gestational weeks). If no units is provided for age, it will be assumed to be in years relative to date of birth.

participants.json example:

    "age": {
        "Description": "age of the participant",
        "Units": "years"
    "sex": {
        "Description": "sex of the participant as reported by the participant",
        "Levels": {
            "M": "male",
            "F": "female"
    "handedness": {
        "Description": "handedness of the participant as reported by the participant",
        "Levels": {
            "left": "left",
            "right": "right"
    "group": {
        "Description": "experimental group the participant belonged to",
        "Levels": {
            "read": "participants who read an inspirational text before the experiment",
            "write": "participants who wrote an inspirational text before the experiment"

Samples file#



The purpose of this file is to describe properties of samples, indicated by the sample entity. This file is REQUIRED if sample-<label> is present in any filename within the dataset. Each sample MUST be described by one and only one row.

samples.tsv example:

sample_id participant_id sample_type derived_from
sample-01 sub-01 tissue n/a
sample-02 sub-01 tissue sample-01
sample-03 sub-01 tissue sample-01
sample-04 sub-02 tissue n/a
sample-05 sub-02 tissue n/a

It is RECOMMENDED to accompany each samples.tsv file with a sidecar samples.json file to describe the TSV column names and properties of their values (see also the section on tabular files).

samples.json example:

    "sample_type": {
        "Description": "type of sample from ENCODE Biosample Type (",
    "derived_from": {
        "Description": "sample_id from which the sample is derived"

Phenotypic and assessment data#



Optional: Yes

If the dataset includes multiple sets of participant level measurements (for example responses from multiple questionnaires) they can be split into individual files separate from participants.tsv.

Each of the measurement files MUST be kept in a /phenotype directory placed at the root of the BIDS dataset and MUST end with the .tsv extension. File names SHOULD be chosen to reflect the contents of the file. For example, the “Adult ADHD Clinical Diagnostic Scale” could be saved in a file called /phenotype/acds_adult.tsv.

The files can include an arbitrary set of columns, but one of them MUST be participant_id and the entries of that column MUST correspond to the subjects in the BIDS dataset and participants.tsv file.

As with all other tabular data, the additional phenotypic information files MAY be accompanied by a JSON file describing the columns in detail (see Tabular files).

In addition to the column descriptions, the JSON file MAY contain the following fields:

As an example, consider the contents of a file called phenotype/acds_adult.json:

  "MeasurementToolMetadata": {
    "Description": "Adult ADHD Clinical Diagnostic Scale V1.2",
    "TermURL": ""
  "adhd_b": {
    "Description": "B. CHILDHOOD ONSET OF ADHD (PRIOR TO AGE 7)",
    "Levels": {
      "1": "YES",
      "2": "NO"
  "adhd_c_dx": {
    "Description": "As child met A, B, C, D, E and F diagnostic criteria",
    "Levels": {
      "1": "YES",
      "2": "NO"

Please note that in this example MeasurementToolMetadata includes information about the questionnaire and adhd_b and adhd_c_dx correspond to individual columns.

In addition to the keys available to describe columns in all tabular files (LongName, Description, Levels, Units, and TermURL) the participants.json file as well as phenotypic files can also include column descriptions with a Derivative field that, when set to true, indicates that values in the corresponding column is a transformation of values from other columns (for example a summary score based on a subset of items in a questionnaire).

Scans file#



Optional: Yes

The purpose of this file is to describe timing and other properties of each imaging acquisition sequence (each run file) within one session.

Each neural recording file SHOULD be described by exactly one row. Some recordings consist of multiple parts, that span several files, for example through echo-, part-, or split- entities. Such recordings MUST be documented with one row per file.

Additional fields can include external behavioral measures relevant to the scan. For example vigilance questionnaire score administered after a resting state scan. All such included additional fields SHOULD be documented in an accompanying _scans.json file that describes these fields in detail (see Tabular files).

Example _scans.tsv:

filename	acq_time
func/sub-control01_task-nback_bold.nii.gz	1877-06-15T13:45:30
func/sub-control01_task-motor_bold.nii.gz	1877-06-15T13:55:33
meg/sub-control01_task-rest_split-01_meg.nii.gz	1877-06-15T12:15:27
meg/sub-control01_task-rest_split-02_meg.nii.gz	1877-06-15T12:15:27

Sessions file#



Optional: Yes

In case of multiple sessions there is an option of adding additional sessions.tsv files describing variables changing between sessions. In such case one file per participant SHOULD be added. These files MUST include a session_id column and describe each session by one and only one row. Column names in sessions.tsv files MUST be different from group level participant key column names in the participants.tsv file.

_sessions.tsv example:

session_id	acq_time	systolic_blood_pressure
ses-predrug	2009-06-15T13:45:30	120
ses-postdrug	2009-06-16T13:45:30	100
ses-followup	2009-06-17T13:45:30	110


Template: code/*

Source code of scripts that were used to prepare the dataset MAY be stored here. Examples include anonymization or defacing of the data, or the conversion from the format of the source data to the BIDS format (see source vs. raw vs. derived data). Extra care should be taken to avoid including original IDs or any identifiable information with the source code. There are no limitations or recommendations on the language and/or code organization of these scripts at the moment.